You Can Help Us Defend Science-Based Wildlife Management in Colorado

The North American Model for wildlife conservation and management is without question, the most successful model for sustained wildlife conservation anywhere in the world. Hunters and anglers are by far the most fierce and vocal advocates for wildlife. Founded by concerned hunters and arising out of the notorious wildlife destruction of the nineteenth century, wildlife biologist Jim Heffelfinger says this about the North American model:

“This new model generated an unequalled abundance of native wildlife (predators included), created a new profession of university-trained wildlife biologists and made wildlife a creator of wealth and employment. This transparent and accountable system of sustainable natural resource use has resulted in comprehensive and effective international conservation treaties and also local laws which do not allow the frivolous killing of wildlife. It is a product of grassroots democracy that has mobilized society into passionate support for a nearly ubiquitous conservation ethic.”

What's more, the North American model has led to unparalleled landscape-level habitat protections, creating a system of wild public lands unlike any other country on earth. Nowhere else, can you walk out on to millions of acres of wild public lands, and enjoy such an abundance of native wildlife. For our team here in the Flat Tops Wilderness, we certainly don't take it for granted.

That is why, we are fighting back against extreme "animal welfare" groups that are pushing their agenda through ballot initiatives here in Colorado. Their proposed legislation would begin to unravel the North American model that has proven to be so successful. This fall, a ban against mountain lion and bobcat hunting will be on the ballot in Colorado.

You might think, "I'm not a lion hunter," and wonder why this affects you. The fact is, this is just a first easy step to ban all hunting and to undercut wildlife management. The propoesed bill uses language like, "trophy hunting" and untruthful phrases to elicit emotional response from voters. But it has no basis in science and will certainly not help wildlife populations in Colorado - quite the opposite.

Please take a moment to read this fact sheet from Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Also, take a minute to watch this quick Instagram Video with some quick history on mountain lion management in Colorado. Then, we would STRONGLY urge you to make a donation to Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Management, the organization that is leading the fight against this mis-guided attempt at ballot-box biology.


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