Meet The Budge’s Crew

  • Bob Terwilliger


  • Brodie Craig


  • Carson Hershberger


  • Chase Reisinger


  • Dan Clark, Colorado Elk Hunting Guide

    Dan Clark


  • Emma Brown


  • Esta Yoder

    Cook and Hospitality

  • Grace Weurding

    Wrangler and Hospitality

  • Joe Troyer


  • Josh Sanders

    Operations Manager

  • Kent McSparran


  • Melody Brubaker

    Cook and Hospitality

  • Mikayla Fritz


  • Colorado Elk Hunting Guide, Mike Erb

    Mike Erb


  • Morgan Perrin

    Wrangling and Packing Manager

  • Nelson Stutzman

    Bookings & Equine Specialist

  • Ruth Hershberger

    Cook and Hospitality

  • Ryan McSparran


  • Sarah Barclay, Colorado Fly Fishing Guide

    Sarah Barclay


  • Shannah Fedus


  • Susan Hershberger

    Cook and Hospitality

  • Teddy

    Your Best Friend

At Budge’s Wilderness Lodge, we are…

Others-Focused: Success in the mountains is a result of teamwork. Rather than being the star player on our own team, we look out for one another. Our fellow crewmembers and our guests take priority over ourselves. If everyone approaches their work with that kind of attitude, just think of what we can accomplish together!

Safety Conscious: Life in the wilderness is a bit risky. That’s one reason we love it. Because of that, attention to safety is a top priority. A careless action or a lazy attention to detail can quickly get someone hurt. For the sake of our fellow crewmembers and our guests, we’re always paying attention and we never take shortcuts.

Highly Adventurous: Fast Rivers, steep trails, gorgeous sunsets, thunderstorms, wild animals, driving rain and snow…these are all reasons we love life out here in the wild. From the most beautiful days to the most miserable conditions, we are adventurous souls, and our mood is not dictated by our circumstances because we choose to be cheerful in every situation.

Conservation Minded: We are fortunate to be surrounded by wild things and wild places. It’s a great privilege to be stewards of these resources. From towering cliffs to delicate hummingbirds, we see reflections of God’s creativity, power and personality. Holding watch over these things is among our most cherished responsibilities.

Always Learning: If things like horses, the wilderness and each new guest can teach us anything, it’s how much we don’t know. Stories of big trout or bull elk won’t impress our guests. But an attitude of humility and a willingness to learn is always admirable. We are quick to admit when we’re wrong, hungry to learn and constantly improving.

Interested in joining our crew?

Contact us to learn about the opportunities we have available.